Speaking Engagements
Dr. Dash is a highly sought after speaker with a dynamic, energetic, and frequently funny take on the natural world. He has provided lectures as well as training sessions for those interested in learning about the natural history of the world around them. Dr. Dash’s diverse background and commitment to understanding nature make him an excellent speaker on numerous subjects.
He has given lectures and informational sessions to groups including:
Zoological Parks
School groups (K-12)
Nature Centers
Nature Societies
Master Naturalist
Birding Clubs
Locally he has spoken to…
Hampton Master Gardeners
John Clayton Native Plant Society
Virginia Master Naturalists
Hampton Roads Bird Club
York-Poquoson Master Gardeners
To the right are some of the many topics Dr. Dash has spoken on over the few last years. Click (or here) on a title slide image for a synopsis lists of the talks. If your group is interested in a particular topic for your group contact Dr. Dash for custom speaking programs. For information about speaking please fill out this form.
Click image for speaking form.